
Proverbs chapter 17

¶ Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a full house and many fat cattle with strife.
¶ A discreet servant shall have more rule than the sons that have no wisdom, and shall have like heritage with the brethren.
¶ Like as silver is tried in the fire and gold in the furnace, even so doth the LORD prove the hearts.
¶ A wicked body holdeth much of false lips, and a dissembling person giveth ear to a deceitful tongue.
¶ Who so laugheth the poor to scorn, blasphemeth his maker: and he that is glad of another man's hurt, shall not be unpunished.
¶ Children's children are a worship unto the elders, and the fathers are the honour of the children.
¶ An eloquent speech becometh not a fool, a dissembling mouth also becometh not a prince.
¶ Liberality is a precious stone unto him that hath it, for wheresoever he becometh, he prospereth.
¶ Who so covereth another man's offense, seeketh love: but he that discloseth the fault, setteth friends at variance.
¶ One reproof only doth more good to him that hath understanding, than an hundredth stripes unto a fool.
¶ A sedicious person seeketh mischief, but a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
¶ It were better to come against a she Bear robbed of her whelps, then against a fool in his foolishness.
¶ Who so rewardeth evil for good, the plague shall not depart from his house.
¶ He that soweth discord and strife, is like one that diggeth up a water brook: but an open enemy is like the water that breaketh out and renneth abroad.
¶ The LORD hateth as well him that justifieth the ungodly, as him that condemneth the innocent.
¶ What helpeth it to give a fool money in his hand, where as he hath no mind to buy wisdom?
¶ He is a friend that alway loveth, and in adversity a man shall know who is his brother.
¶ Who so promiseth by the hand, and is surety for another, he is a fool.
¶ He that loveth strife, delighteth in sin: and who so setteth his door too high, seeketh after a fall.
¶ Who so hath a froward heart obtaineth no good: and he that hath an overthwart tongue, shall fall into mischief.
¶ An unwise body bringeth himself in to sorrow, and the father of a fool can have no joy.
¶ A merry heart maketh a lusty age, but a sorrowful mind drieth up the bones.
¶ The ungodly taketh gifts out of the bosom, to wrest the ways of judgment.
¶ Wisdom shineth in the face of him that hath understanding, but the eyes of fools wander thorowout all lands.
¶ An undiscreet son is a grief unto his father, and an heaviness unto his mother that bare him.
¶ To punish the innocent, and to smite the princes that give true judgement, are both evil.
¶ He is wise and discreet that tempereth his words: and he is a man of understanding, that maketh much of his spirit. Yea a very fool (when he holdeth his tongue) is counted wise, and to have understanding, when he shutteth his lips.


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Praise the Everlasting Lord for His Faithful Word.